Qualitas Corpus Catalogue: Release 20130901

jedit (Active, 2 versions) Development environment
sysver fullname domain jreversion license distribution releasedate sourcepackages n_bin n_both n_files n_top(bin) loc(both) ncloc(both) url
jedit-4.3pre14 tool 1.5.0_22 The Apache Software License, Version 1.1;src/jEdit/doc/Apache.LICENSE.txt f 2008-04-27 org.gjt. 1045 1045 460 469 149569 101105 http://www.jedit.org
jedit-4.3.2 jEdit tool 1.5.0_22 The Apache Software License, Version 1.1;src/jEdit/doc/Apache.LICENSE.txt r 2010-05-09 org.gjt.sp.jedit. org.gjt.sp.util. 1128 1128 483 488 158201 107469 http://www.jedit.org

Created 2013-09-05 02:41Z